I must admit, I'm no romantic. I don't like flowers. They're pretty, but they stink, although jasmine's not too bad. Chocolate makes me sick but I eat truck loads of the stuff. I'd rather get a burger and fries and sit on the beach than sit in a snooty restaurant with a meal the size of an appetizer; I'd rather listen to Metallica than Barry White; I'd rather plain honesty and banter, to poetry and corny lines; and I'd rather do the nut-bush than waltz in a ballroom. So maybe that's why I don't get why the main character would throw away their family, their friends, their wants and desires for love.
And the crying. Oh my god the crying. I don't cry when I'm frustrated or something doesn't go my way. I get angry, furious in fact. I don't break down when loves falls apart, I suck it up and move on. If the world went to shit and I ended up separated from my partner, I wouldn't shut down, I wouldn't cry. I'd find them, I'd save them, there'd be hell to pay and I'd pull the world apart looking for them.
Take Bella from Twilight for example. I loved the books, loved the idea, it's the reason I started reading, the inspiration I needed to write, but the girl bugged me. Everyone said Kristen Stewart was whiny and annoying, well that's because the character was written to be whiny and annoying with a bit martyrdom thrown in there.
So what makes these protagonist's so marketable? Do we want to date these characters? Do we relate to them? Want to be them?
Just for a second, switch the roles, make Edward Cullen the whiny annoying one, and Bella the brooding vampire... The story reads a little differently now doesn't it.
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