Saturday, August 3, 2013

What I do with brain drain

Ever had one of those days when you can't help but mess everything up? Your words are jumbled, like saying flutterby instead of butterfly or you put the milk on the shelf and the peanut butter in the freezer? I do, a lot to be honest and anytime you have one of those days, I recommend you do not cook. It will only make things worse because you will burn it, drop it, burn yourself and generally make yourself a lot angrier than you were in the first place. Sit down, relax and call for takeaway, emergency frozen snacks are good too.

These are the days that aren't great for writing anything worth reading, much like today. So, instead of writing paragraphs of text that you will no doubtably have to re-write, try something else productive. Outline your characters, design a timeline, a cover page, sketch images of your characters or places in your manuscript, attempt to design your own blog, have a little fun with it. Writing is after all, exactly that, fun.

I've googled writers block but that doesn't seem to be my problem, the ideas are there, they flow easily onto the page, it's the dreaded editing that turns my brain to mush. The more I read, the more each and every sentence appears disjointed, a separate thought or action. That's when it's time to take a break and play with your own marketing material. It doesn't matter whether you use it or not, the break and inspiration will give your brain a much needed rest and burst of passion.

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