Wednesday, January 7, 2015

To self-publish or not to self-publish

I think this is a hard question for any aspiring author. Me... I'm still conflicted.
I sent 10 pages of my manuscript, Heavenly Incantations, from the Nyora Light series, to one agent. One! And, I was rejected. Given, it was the most sought after agent in the United States but still, the rejection stunted me, and not in the way you'd assume. I wasn't hurt, I wasn't sad, I wasn't angry, I didn't feel worthless or pathetic, I only felt restless.
If I sent my manuscript to another agent or agents, I would have to wait for however long for their response, countless sleepless nights of dreaming of success or failure, constant stomach flutters and fear when checking emails.
Did I want that?
No, not really.
So, instead of sending my manuscript out, I published the short prologue on amazon Heavenly Incantations by TRL Boyd. Then I made it free for a week and around 40 people downloaded it.
Sux right?
Well no, it didn't actually. That may not be many to most authors, but to me, it was like winning the lottery. 40 people I've never met, never spoken to, never heard of have read my prologue. That feeling alone made me ridiculously giddy.
Before I upload the full manuscript, I decided to read over it again. If I'm really going to go down the self-publishing road, the manuscript needs to be perfect. There is no fixing it later, there is no editor addition or notes, it's me, just me... And if anyone is going to pay to see my manuscript, or even take the time to download and read it for free, it's going to be worth their while.
So, weeks later after publishing my short prologue, I am still editing, on my Nokia phone believe it or not. When choosing a new cell, I picked the one that incorporated Microsoft Office into their product so I could steal a little bit of editing time at work, on the bus, at lunch or waiting for friends.
But even now, I'm still not sure whether to self-publish or brave the wait of the publishing world...


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